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 DAIKYO believes that compliance is a necessary condition for being a company that continues to be trusted by customers, society, and business partners.In particular, as a company involved in the business of manufacturing pharmaceutical and medical packaging, which involves human life, we recognize that compliance is not limited to general observance of laws and regulations, but also requires a very high level of ethics in the practice of honest and correct behavior as a human being.Based on the above ideas, we have established the "DAIKYO Code of Conduct" which all employees are expected to observe and practice in their daily work, so that we can continue to be a trusted company.

Our activities

Internal Reporting

Internal Reporting System "DAIKYO Hotline"

DAIKYO has established the "DAIKYO Hotline," a system that allows employees to report and consult with an external consultation service when they find violations of laws and regulations, harassment, violations of internal rules, or other compliance violations within the company, and has been operating this system since June 1, 2022.The privacy of whistleblowers is protected, and whistleblowers are not subjected to any prejudicial treatment for reporting or consulting. Internal whistleblower response personnel will investigate the content of the report and take corrective action as necessary.


"Guidelines for Transparency of Relationships between Corporate Activities and Medical Institutions, etc. "

1.Company policy

Daikyo manufactures pharmaceutical packaging materials and sells them mainly to pharmaceutical companies in Japan and overseas. As a business involved in healthcare,
we are keenly aware of its social responsibility, and in conducting sound business activities,
We believe that it is essential to maintain a high level of ethics and earn the trust of society by ensuring transparency in our relationships with medical institutions, medical professionals, and other parties.
Therefore, we have established "Guidelines for Transparency of Relationships between Corporate Activities and Medical Institutions, etc." in line with the "Guidelines for Transparency with Medical Institutions, etc. in the Medical Device Industry" issued by the Japan Federation of Medical Device Industries, and have been working on the following
We will disclose information on the results of funding provided to medical institutions, medical professionals, and other parties in connection with our business activities.

2.Publication method

Information will be disclosed through our website.

3.Schedule of releasing

Information will be released at the end of every fiscal year.

4.Information of scope

Based on the Transparency guideline established by the Japan Federation of Medical Devices Associations, following A-E information will be released.

A.R&D expenses etc.

  • Co-development expenses
    Name of receiving facilities : number of cases, amount
  • Contract research expenses
    Name of receiving facilities : number of cases, amount
  • Clinical trials expenses (clinical study expenses)
    Name of receiving facilities : number of cases, amount
  • Post-marketing clinical trials expenses
    Name of receiving facilities : number of cases, amount
  • Other expenses
    Name of receiving facilities : number of cases, amount

B.Academic research support expenses

  • Scholarship donations
    Department, university: number of cases, amount
  • General donations
    University (foundation): number of cases, amount
  • Academic conference donations
    Conference name and number (area conference, research council): amount
  • Others
    Conference name and number (area conference, research council): amount

C.Manuscript writing fees, etc.

  • Lecturers fees
    Professor (director), department, university (hospital): number of cases, amount
  • Others
    Professor (director), department, university (hospital): number of cases, amount

D.Expenses related to information provision

  • Lecture expenses
    Total annual number of cases and amount
  • Others
    Total annual number of cases and amount


  • Reception expenses Total annual amount

Information of FY2024 (From Nov. 2023 to Oct. 2024)

A.R&D expenses etc

  • No expenses reported

B.Academic research support expenses

  • No expenses reported

C.Manuscript writing fees, etc.

  • No expenses reported

D.Expenses related to information provision

  • No expenses reported


  • No expenses reported

Information Security


SECURITY ACTION" is a system established by the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) to realize a safe and secure IT society, under which small and medium-sized companies can self-declare their commitment to information security measures.DAIKYO participates in this program because we believe it is essential to be "on the offensive" by utilizing IT and at the same time "on the defensive" by ensuring information security.