This section showcases Daikyo Seiko’s sustainability initiatives.
Daikyo Seiko Sustainability Management Declaration
We have been a pharmaceutical and medical packaging manufacturer since 1954, We have been supplying high quality products created through dynamic innovation to the medical field to support the lives of people all over the world. We believe that the significance of our existence and social mission are to support the lives of people around the world by supplying high-quality products created through dynamic innovation to the medical field.
Our corporate activities are only possible if we realize a sustainable environment and society. We place sustainability initiatives at the core of our management strategy, and we will make every effort to address environmental conservation, social contribution, respect for human rights, quality improvement, and establishment of high corporate ethics.
Morihiro Sudo

Daikyo Seiko’s policies for sustainability activities
Daikyo Seiko’s corporate philosophy is to “Contributing to society and our employees’ wellbeing.” With this philosophy in mind when developing and manufacturing pharmaceutical and medical packaging, Daikyo Seiko engages in sustainable business activities while considering impact on society and the environment – not simply economic development.
Daikyo Seiko’s policy for sustainability activities aligns with contributing to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and its policies are listed below.
Management philosophy | Topic | Policy | Relevance to SDGs |
Employeewellbeing | Safety and health | Safety and health are top priorities at Daikyo Seiko. We strive to eliminate occupational accidents, look after the mental and physical health of our employees and maintain a hygienic work environment. | ![]() ![]() |
Labor and human rights | In line with international approaches to respecting human rights, we root out discrimination and human rights infringements, accept diversity and promote improvements to working conditions and welfare. By doing this we have built a workplace environment that is satisfying and supporting to work in. | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Social contributions | Quality | By thoroughly implementing quality control that includes compliance with laws and regulations (e.g., GMP) and through Dynamic Innovation, we consistently provide high-quality and high-value-added pharmaceutical and medical packaging to medical front lines around the world. | ![]() ![]() |
Supplychain | We aim to deepen mutual understanding by taking on social and environmental issues through collaboration across entire supply chains and, through synergy generated in that cooperation, maintain a business that continually operates in a stable manner and grows even further. | ![]() |
Environmental preservation | To minimize environmental burdens caused by corporate activities, we tackle reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting regional environments and biodiversity, conserving natural resources and reducing waste. | ![]() ![]() |
Social contribution | While keeping in mind that we are a member of local communities and global society, we promote activities that contribute to everyone, with the aim of enriching our world. | ![]() |
Our Strategy
Occupational Safety and Health
Safety and Health Policy
Daikyo has established "Safety and Health Management Regulations" for the purpose of creating a comfortable work environment that ensures the safety and health of employees. Based on these rules, we continue to improve the workplace environment and promote the creation of a bright and lively workplace free from accidents and illnesses.
Health and Safety Management System
The Safety Committee and the Health Committee have been established with the plant manager as the general safety and health manager.
Each committee meets once a month, and the Safety Committee conducts risk assessments to prevent industrial accidents.
The Health Committee formulates measures to maintain and promote workers' health, and the Safety Committee works to improve health and safety.
Health Management
Recognition of Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations 2024
We are pleased to announce that we were recognized as one of the "Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations 2024" (small and medium size corporation category), jointly selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Japan Health Council.
Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program is a system that recognizes large corporations, small and medium-sized corporations, and other corporations that practice particularly excellent health management based on initiatives that address local health issues and the promotion of health promoted by the Japan Health Council.

Health Management Declaration
Our management philosophy is Employee wellbeing and CSR activities.
In order to realize this philosophy, we believe it is of utmost importance that our employees remain healthy, both physically and mentally.
We declare that the entire organization is committed to creating a workplace environment where each and every employee can work happily, healthily, and to the best of their abilities.
President, Daikyo Seiko, Ltd.
Morihiro Sudo

Our activities to achieve Health Management
- ・Reduction of Overtime hours
Each department is reviewing its operations and improving operational efficiency to reduce overtime work.
FY2023 average:5.0 hours/month → FY2024 average:3.5 hours/month - ・Cancer test
We have added a cancer test to regular health checkups for employees 40 years of age and older. - ・Subsidies for physical examinations
Employees aged 35 and older are partially subsidized for physical examinations. - ・Subsidies for Re-examination Expenses
Employees who are subject to a second medical checkup (re-examination required) as a result of a regular medical checkup are partially subsidized for the cost of the re-examination. - ・Promotion of employee exercise
Partial subsidies are provided to employees who exercise in groups of 10 or more employees.
Diversity and inclusion (D&I)
Action plans based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children and the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace
Formulate the following action plan in order to develop a work environment in which all employees (i.e., both men and women) are actively involved and employees can strike a work-life balance.
1.Plan period
Five-year period (from March 1, 2022, to February 28, 2027)
2.Challenges at the Company
(i) The percentage of management positions held by women is low.
(ii) Creating a workplace culture in which both men and women can contribute to their work life and home life.
Goal 1 (Goal related to providing work-life-related opportunities)
Establish a percentage of women working at the level just before management positions (i.e., subsection managers and leaders) to at least 30%.
From March 2022: Grasp the current situation and confirm what the issues are, and then seek to share awareness of problems.
From September 2022: Formulate and disseminate information about plans to support a smooth transition back to work when returning from childcare leave.
From August 2023: Conduct training to raise awareness of career enhancement for young employees.
From August 2024: Conduct management training for management positions related to working styles.
From September 2025: Analyze the status of progress and review initiatives for achieving goals.
Through the above, we prevent employees from having to abandon their careers due to entering new stages in their lives.
Goal 2 (goal related to compatibility of work life and home life)
Keep the monthly average overtime hours within 15 hours (decrease of at least 5% compared to FY2021 level).
From March 2022: Streamline work, strive to optimize personnel and reduce time spent working outside of certain hours.
Goal 3 (Goal based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children)
Create a workplace culture in which both men and women can contribute to their work lives and their home lives.
From March 2023: Consider initiatives for encouraging male employees to take childcare leave.
From April 2023: Disseminate information via the Company’s intranet about various systems related to raising the next generation such as childcare leave and leave taken before and after childbirth.
From January 2024: Expand our reduced working hours system and flextime system for facilitating childcare, disseminate information to employees, and seek to encourage use of those systems.
Publishing information related to status of activities engaged in by women
Percentage of management positions held by women: 13.2% (as of Dec. 2024)
Percentage of subsection management positions held by female workers: 18.2% (as of Dec. 2024)
Difference in average number of years worked between men/women (as of Dec. 2024)
Item | Men | Women | Total | Ratio of women to men |
Average year of employment | 13years 7month |
13years 2month |
13years 5month |
97.0% |
Average overtime hours per month per worker: 3.49hours (average for Nov. 2023 to Oct. 2024)
Wage difference between men/women
Item | Difference in wages (Ratio of women to men) |
Total | 79.4% |
Full-time employee | 78.9% |
Part-time employee | 86.6% |
Result for FY2023(From Nov. 2023 to Oct. 2024)
Based on the date of payment(Wages from Nov. 2023 to Oct. 2024)
Wages:Including basic salary, allowances, overtime charge and bonus, excluding retirement benefits
Full-time employee:Excluding part-time employee
Part-time employee:Including part-time employee, exclude temporary worker
Publication of mid-career recruitment ratios in accordance with Act on Comprehensively
FY2022 | FY2023 | FY2024 | |
Ratio of mid-career recruitment to total number of full-time workers hired |
55% | 23% | 27% |
Publication date: Dec. 2024
Work style reform and work-life balance
Support for balancing childcare and nursing care
To help employees balance work and childcare/nursing care, Daikyo have established a childcare leave system and a nursing care leave system.
Each system stipulates the use of leave and vacation time, restrictions on working hours and late-night work, and shorter working hours.
Prohibition of Discrimination and human rights violation
Support for balancing childcare and nursing care
To help employees balance work and childcare/nursing care, Daikyo have established a childcare leave system and a nursing care leave system.
Each system stipulates the use of leave and vacation time, restrictions on working hours and late-night work, and shorter working hours.
Introduction of Work-from-home system
Work-from-home system is introduced to help employees achieve work-life balance, improve productivity and meet the needs of employees who require flexible work styles.
ISO Initiatives
Our headquarters and plants are certified as ISO9001/ISO15378.
Please see details here
Dynamic Innovation
DAIKYO develops own system to continuously supply high quality products and improve our quality. We are also developing environmentally friendly products, such as our next-generation PLASCAP® vial caps, which are metal-free and can be incinerated for disposal.
Supplier code of conduct
Daikyo is a company that is trusted and chosen by customers, patients, and other stakeholders.
We fulfill our corporate social responsibility in our procurement activities.
Business Integrity and Fair Competition
- In selecting a partner for a transaction, we will make a fair, impartial, and comprehensive judgment based on thorough safety measures, consideration for the environment, and quality assurance.
- We will make fair, impartial, and comprehensive judgments, taking into consideration stable supply, technology, and other factors.
- We aim to realize a partnership of mutual coexistence and co-prosperity.

- We do not tolerate human rights violations, including forced labor, child labor, and various forms of discrimination.
- We will actively procure non-conflict mineral materials that respect human rights and are produced and distributed in an environment that is safe for the working environment.
- In our procurement activities, we will comply with the laws and social norms of the countries concerned.
- Those engaged in procurement activities shall comply with the Daikyo Seiko Code of Conduct.

Global Environmental Conservation (Green Procurement)
- To minimize our impact on the natural environment, we promote procurement of materials with low environmental impact in consideration of resource and energy conservation.
- In order to promote the prohibition or reduction of the use of hazardous chemicals and the control of their emissions, we will strive to understand the chemical substances contained in our materials.

Information Control
- Information obtained through procurement activities will be properly

Decarbonization Initiatives
CO2 reduction target
Global warming is a problem that seriously affects our lives, and we at Daikyo believe that it is our social responsibility as a company to work earnestly to solve this problem.
To this end, Daikyo has set the goal of reducing CO2 emissions (Scope 1+2), the cause of global warming, to "50% reduction by 2030 (2021 baseline)," and is promoting various initiatives, including energy conservation, resource conservation, and the use of renewable energy, to achieve this goal.

Application of Renewable Energy
Effective June 1, 2022, Daikyo has subscribed to TEPCO Energy Partner's "Aqua Premium" green menu. By replacing a portion of the thermal power generated electricity which we have conventionally used, with "zero CO2 emission" electricity generated by the TEPCO Group's hydroelectric power plants, we are contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions.
In addition, each of our plants and offices generate their own electricity by installing solar panels.
We will continue to promote the introduction of renewable energy sources to reduce CO2 emissions.

Contribution to Sano city
Donations to the local Sano City and the Council of Social Welfare
Donation to Sano city “Water, Green and City development fund of Manyo”
In July 2022, Daikyo Seiko made a donation to Sano City through its "Water, Green and City development fund of Manyo".
Through this donation, DAIKYO will support Sano City's welfare projects (support for children, the disabled, etc.), Sano City's regional development projects (immigration, settlement, tourism, etc.), and firefighting projects.
We will continue to support Sano City in order to contribute to the city.
Donation to Sano City Social Welfare Council
DAIKYO donated to Sano City Social Welfare Council in July 2022.
Sano City Social Welfare Council is involved in projects related to community welfare, livelihood support, volunteer activities, etc. in Sano City.
We will continue to support their activities in the future.
Sano City Naming rights partner
DAIKYO is elected as Sano city naming rights partner for Sano city Arena Tanuma(DAIKYO arena Sano)
Through this activity, we hope that the naming rights fee will be utilized for projects in Sano City and contribute to the further revitalization of Sano City and that the facility nickname will include the company name "DAIKYO" so that local residents will become familiar with our company.
Facility:Sano City Arena Tanuma
“DAIKYO arena Sano”

Contribution to Local Medical Care
Twice a year, DAIKYO holds blood donation drives at its headquarters, Innovation laboratory, and factories (Haneda plant.1, Haneda plant.2, and Sakae plant).
About 100 employees donate blood at the Tochigi Red Cross Blood Center twice a year.
We will continue to contribute to blood donation activities.

Sponsorship to local sports teams
DAIKYO is a member of UTSUNOMIYA BREX, a professional basketball team in the B.LEAGUE, and a professional baseball team in the Route-in BC League.
Each team is involved in the promotion of sports in the prefecture and various other social contribution activities. DAIKYO will continue to contribute to the local community by supporting their activities.

External Evaluation and Certification

Awarded a “Gold" rating in the 2024 Sustainability Study by EcoVadis, France
We have been awarded a “Gold" rating in the 2023 Sustainability Survey by EcoVadis, an international sustainability evaluation organization in France, which is given to companies with an overall score in the top 5% or higher. EcoVadis is an organization that evaluates the sustainability activities of more than 130,000 companies in 220 industries in 180 countries around the world and has evaluated our activities in the four themes of "Environment," "Labor and Human Rights," "Ethics," and "Sustainable Procurement".

Signatory of United Nations Global Compact
DAIKYO is committed to contribute to the resolution of social issues in implementing sustainability activities, we registered with the United Nations Global Compact in October 2022 and declared our commitment to promote sustainability activities.

Registration in “Tochigi SDGs Enterprise Promotion Program”
In July 2022, toward Contributing to the resolution of social and environmental Issues in implementing sustainability activities, we have registered with the "Tochigi SDGs Enterprise Promotion Program“. ↓Click here to check the List of registered companies promoting the Tochigi SDGs
List of registered companies promoting the Tochigi SDGs